About IIN

Making a snow angel

Carmela has always been a wild child, but with a self-employed work-o-holic dad, numbed out mom, and 2 younger brothers, she had to become responsible for herself and family at a young age. 

Her dad constantly works to keep up with his spending habits and doesn’t like to wait. He’d rather spend more to have something now. Image and status are very important to him. 

Carmela’s mom by contrast doesn’t need much and has always relied on her husband to pay for living expenses. Because she’s very fearful about the world, her money went into retirement savings. 

Then we became office slaves and had to escape!

Every time Carmela deviated from her fathers expectations, he aggressively criticized her. He forced her to go to college. She figured that her freedom would come when she had enough of her own money.  

Despite landing a “great” federal job, she was miserable right from the start. Being trapped in an office on a tight schedule and being told what to do wasn’t going to be sustainable. 

She was determined to figure out how to make money doing something that paid well and didn’t suck before she left the government. Much of what she tried didn’t work or was just another form of slavery. 

Working on home improvement projects

Ready to secure your finances and liberate your life?

I was a poor hick who grew up on a farm in Colorado with nothing but imagination, a mind for data, and a will of titanium.  

My love of nature and adventure didn’t line up with the “traditional life path”. So there was no way I could wait until retirement to do what I wanted.  

My skills and introversion made investing a good fit, but it took a lot of trial and error before I developed the amazing investing strategy that we talk about today. It provides a steady income that allows me to live my dream life. 

And I want to help YOU achieve the same. 

Here’s what I can do for you:


My intuition drew me to investing. At first, I tried all the popular things. I picked growth stocks, day traded, followed the news, tried to predict trends, learned to read the financials, scoured press releases and quarterly earnings reports, and everything in between. 

I was on a ton of email lists and newsletters that make you feel like you have to chase “the next big runner!” They bait you and then won’t reveal tickers until you buy exclusive access. That got old really fast,  so it was time to figure things out for myself. 

"There's always another way to do things."


I made a lot of mistakes over the years — like $10,000 loss-type mistakes. But each time I’d pivot and keep trying. Eventually everything came together, and my ideal strategy was born. 

This gave us the time and money to do a 4 month road trip, which was a life changing experience. We’re tying up the loose ends of our old life right now, but we’ll be back on the road again soon. 

I’m here to serve YOU. It’s up to you to determine how that happens. 

Get educated through the podcast.

Get one-on-one portfolio coaching.

Eventually we figured out that passive income is the key to freedom.

so you can liberate your life.